Andee wrote today about her word of the year. Other people are also coming up with their word of the year.
Like Casey's is "change."
Mine is too.
2012 is a year of change.
I can feel it.
Letting go of fear...
Letting go of hurt...
Letting go of mistakes...
Letting go.
I don't know what you're year is already like, but the smallest things are already happening in mine. Change is already making it's way. My first thing I want to do is give up. I hate change. Starting over. But then 2012 would be just like 2011. I don't want that.
So this is sort of a note to myself, I guess...
Emma, don't give up.
Embrace change because you know when you do, God's going to do something big.
Change IS hard! But, yeah I don't know why but 2012 seems like it's going to be special(: It just sounds cool too....2012! Haha!