
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Favorite Post this September

My favorite post this month is by far, Faith Day. I loved putting this post together with Andee at Bearing Fruit - it was a lot of fun. I hope you enjoyed it too. :)
You can see it, here.


  1. ...And lean not on your own understanding. :0)
    And there's more but I can't remember the next part. :0)

  2. @ Jamie-

    You got it. :) Yeah, then it moves onto verse 6, "in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. [Proverbs 3:6]" Great verse, isn't it? :)


I love comments! Each and every one of them are read and are stared at for hours (I love them that much, yes). If you have a question, feel free to leave it here & I'll answer it as soon as possible.