
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Getting Started... with dala horse cross stitch

I thought I'd mention today that I'm gone from blogging all next week. I'm leaving for a missions trip! :) (so excited!!) Earlier this week, I made that tutorial for cardboard spools that I'm taking along with me to make friendship bracelets with the kids there (we're using the floss on the spools to make the bracelets. Just to make that clear!). I hope when I get back, I'll show you some pictures of the kid's bracelets they made. If I don't get pictures though, I'm sorry, all I got was some memories! But I'll try to get pictures of all the colorful bracelets we'll make, okay? :)

Anyhoo, it's a long car ride to where I'm going so I thought I'd bring something to do to pass the time. What am I bringing? This dala horse cross stitch piece! (You can get it, here) I think it's a good choice because of all the red that's in it (you probably don't understand what I mean by that. :). You see, that's a lot of red so if I just sat down on my couch and did it all day... well I think I would get bored of doing x after x of red. But what if I took on this car ride? I think it would be easier to do then. :)

While I'm gone, I'm supposed to be featured on the Split Stitch on Friday as a Stitching Angel. So make sure you stop by then to see all of our finished work! (Maybe even get some inspiration...just sayin') I'm also posting a cute freebie there so you just might want to check that out too! I'll post the freebie here when I get back for sure. Okey dokey. :)

Well, goodbye readers! Make sure come back in a week (okay, well not this coming Monday, but next Monday.)!! :)

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