

If it wasn't for Jesus in my life...honestly, I have no idea where I would be now. I lacked a lot of things in my life. I don't show it, but deep down inside I used to (and sometimes still do) have this big, black hole that just wanted the worst for me. I've struggled with hurt, depression, guilt, my past, and other things. But one thing that I really lacked was love. Love.

I was a little kid and didn't understand my emotions and memories. I didn't get was going on. Until I got older, when I discovered that stuff I had shoved down was still there. Hurting.

Then I went to a youth confrence and my whole world changed.

It was an awesome worship night with Jeremy Riddle and I felt Jesus just falling down on that place. It was the first time I fully accepted Jesus to move into my life. And that's when love just started pouring into me. Filling up and overflowing those empty places.

I was only an ordinary girl and that night I met an extraordinary God.

I don't believe Christianity is a religion; I believe it's a relationship. Jesus didn't come down to earth to give you a huge load of rules to follow...he came down to show you love. What real love is - the laughing kind, the smiling kind. He died on the cross and while all that was happening, he was thinking of you. Thinking about everything he loves about you. Jesus is real and so much alive. He's in pursuit for you always. He's even thinking about you right now.


I love comments! Each and every one of them are read and are stared at for hours (I love them that much, yes). If you have a question, feel free to leave it here & I'll answer it as soon as possible.