
Friday, March 2, 2012

style\\ lovin' yellow

I've been lovin' yellow. It's my favorite color in the whole wide world. At least for now... or forever. Who's knows? Cause I don't. :) Here's some inspiration for yellow...

Loving the skirt...and the jacket... and the whole sha-bang. :) I can't decide.
That yellow-striped sweater is amazing... :)
yellow scarf. hee hee (plus that hair is crazy awesome. Just saying)
ahhhh...home sweet home. Converse. Yellow Converse. Life is sweet that way...
haha I just like these. I'm not sure if I'd wear them, but they are amazing.
What's your favorite? Do you like yellow?

Happy Friday, readers. :) So glad for tomorrow today. Saturday...heavenly. Magical. Glorious. Man, I love Fridays. Tonight, pizza. Life is good.


1 comment:

  1. i am a fan of all things PINK.
    THINK your yellow affair meets PINK.
    That is me.
    My wardrobe is full of pink lovelies.
    AND I pray it only grows :).

    I even used to dream of having a pink wedding dress! ha ha



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