
Thursday, February 16, 2012

latest faves...

I listen to so much music - it's crazy. :)
Here's some of my latest favorites...

*Make sure to turn off the music at the bottom!

what's yours?



  1. Ah I love The Call by Regina Spektor! Oddly enough, that's the only song I like by her -- I don't normally listen to that type of music. But that song just has so much beautiful emotion in it! And I think since it was in Prince Caspian -which I love- I feel more connected to it. Know what I mean? Movies do that to me lol

    1. Oh man, The Call... :) Something about hearing that song after watching a narnia movie... it makes me want to cry and then go hug somebody. :) haha But I like this sort of music - the sort of music with a really high-pitched voice...I don't know, I'm really weird because I like that type of music and then I really like LOUD, INSANE, DRUM-FILLED, CRAZY GUITAR SOLOS, sort of music. :) I don't is like my life's backround music. It tells my emotions when I can't figure them out. It's really amazing. :)

  2. Yes, yes music does that :) I'm so thankful that God made all these musically and lyrically talented people on this earth haha where would we be without them?


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