
Friday, January 13, 2012

goodbye fellow peeps... :]

My life is complete.
Anyhoo...I'm going to winter camp this weekend with my youth group! SAY WHAT!? Yes, I'm heading to Big Bear tomorrow morning at 7:30. I'm still dead at that time. Sheesh... heh heh :) So I won't be here to blog, but it's for a good (actually, awesome) reason. :) I'm hoping God's gonna meet up with us and do some crazy amazing things in our lives (and hearts). I love when he's up to that sort of stuff... cause, you know, I always love me some Jesus.

1 comment:

I love comments! Each and every one of them are read and are stared at for hours (I love them that much, yes). If you have a question, feel free to leave it here & I'll answer it as soon as possible.