
Friday, December 23, 2011

friday's favorites!!

It's Friday's Favorites!! YAY! heh heh I'm on winter break this and next week (YES!) so, I have nothing more to say about it...Are you on winter break? Anyhoo, up top is something amazing... I love this movie so much........ I think I need to watch it. :) haha
HAHAHAHAHAHA. When I saw this, I died. For one thing, it's because it's funny. And for another thing, IT'S TRUE!!!! That's how I look at my friend's and that's how they look at me when it comes to finding partners... HILARIOUS! I loved this photo so much, I emailed it to my friend (Hey Isy!)....Yeah...good times. :)
I can never get enough of the Hunger Games. I'm sorry. Cool photo though, right? :)
I loved this post that Melisa was about her day where she just stayed in bed. Sounds...amazing. :)
muhhhhhhhaaaaaaahhhhhhhaaaaaaa. I love this!!!!!!! If I were a little girl today, that would be me 'cause I'm the kid who likes to watch all those superhero movies (cough, cough Thor is really good. Just saying).
Oh, and I'm loving this song below... if you listen to it, make sure to turn of the music at the bottom! :)

What's your favorite? :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! So of course I LOVE the second picture(: and I loooove the last one!! XD


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