
Friday, December 16, 2011

friday's favorites!

It's friday's favorites! Yes!! Above is Mandy's amazing mug. I love it so much. Can haz that?
heh heh I watched Charlie Brown Christmas last night. AMAZING! Favorite part: "I killed the Christmas tree!"
Casey posted some videos on her blog the other day. You can see them here. I love "Biggie-Fishie." I almost cry every time. :) What's your favorite?
One day, when I have a house of my own, I will put this on my wall. Period.
I love this idea that Elise posted! This will be yet another thing that I'll do when I grow up!! :) heh heh

Anyhoo...what's your fave?
emma :)

1 comment:

  1. i watched Charily Brown last night to =) my family (who have seen it many many times) where cracking up it was so funny. its the kind of movie i could watch every day, like you feel good after watching it. =)


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