
Friday, December 2, 2011


Paige over at Pink Lemonade did this same post today and inspired me to make my own! You can check hers out here. :) Anyhoo, here we go... :)

obsessing over:
Easy. HUNGER GAMES!! This book is so good! I'm telling you, YOU MUST READ IT. :) (and the series) Plus, I am so pumped for the movie coming out for it next year on March 23rd. Are you? :)
working on: science homework. err...not in the mood for it.

thinking about:
this morning. I had an art class. A few of my friends do it with me so it was plain awesome! We get to work on art and get to talk at the same time. Sweet. :)

tonight. Bible Study!! woo hoo! I'll see some more of my friends, plus, I'm pretty sure we're going to play white elephant. So excited! :)

listening to:
I'm Not Who I Was, Steady Now (both by Brandon Heath), Love is Waiting by Brooke Fraser, and Meant to Live by Switchfoot. :)

water. obviously. :)

for more wishes. okay, maybe not that. I've been wishing for change.
what about you? what are you doing today?
leave me a link if you do this post.
I'd love to read it! :)


1 comment:

I love comments! Each and every one of them are read and are stared at for hours (I love them that much, yes). If you have a question, feel free to leave it here & I'll answer it as soon as possible.