
Thursday, September 29, 2011

God Lovers!

So you've probably been wondering what that button that says 'God-Lovers' is all about over there. -----> Well, today, I'm gonna tell you. Ready? :)

For probably about two months now, I've been thinking about having a month Proverbs. Where everyday you read one chapter from Proverbs.
One chapter.
Per day.
Easy, right?
There are 31 chapters in Proverbs and there are 31 days in October. See where I'm heading? I'll be reading one chapter per day in October and so I will have read the entire book of Proverbs in one month.
I think I can do it.
I think you can do it too.
At first, this was just going to be a thing I was going to do by myself. But then I thought, "Why don't I tell some of my friends to join me?" So I did. And then I got a better thought.
Why don't you guys join me?

So take out your Bible and flip open to Proverbs. One day - one chapter- one month. I think we can do it. The chapters in Proverbs are pretty short, so take out maybe five to ten minutes out of your busy day and read a chapter. Don't worry, I might just have to lock myself in the bathroom just to get my chapter in - you're not alone! So...

Here's the official start of my online Bible Study
open for anybody to join
called, God-Lovers.
Every Thursday, I'll post my favorite chapter from that week and tell you what I thought about it. I'll have a few questions and, if you want, you can comment with your answer. Also, in those posts, I'll include what you will read. So here's the schedule for this week:
Saturday: October 1st, Read Proverbs 1
Sunday: October 2nd, Read Proverbs 2
Monday: October 3rd, Read Proverbs 3
Tuesday: October 4th, Read Proverbs 4
Wednesday: October 5th, Read Proverbs 5
Thursday: October 6th, Read Proverbs 6
Friday: October 7th, Read Proverbs 7

I may have a few project ideas in my mind for this... I'm still not sure. We'll see what happens. :) Let me know in the comment section below if you have any questions... :)
Welcome to God-Lovers!
:), emma


  1. I'm so going to join in!!! :)

  2. I think I can do this. :0) you really stare at them for hours??? hehe

  3. @ Jamie-

    Yes, it's true. I stare at them for hours... :) Okay, maybe not HOURS, but I just really appreciate comments. :) It kinda shows me people are reading (& are not falling asleep!) my posts. :)

    Glad you can join me! I think this will be fun. :)

  4. I'll join you! I've had on my heart to start reading my bible again..again? yup. Haven't picked it up in a long while and my life sure shows it. What better way than to do it along with some others who love Him!

    I'm in!

  5. @ Meredith-

    I am so EXCITED that you can join me!

    Looking forward to tomorrow (the first day of October - first chapter of Proverbs...). Yay! :)


I love comments! Each and every one of them are read and are stared at for hours (I love them that much, yes). If you have a question, feel free to leave it here & I'll answer it as soon as possible.