
Thursday, September 22, 2011

embroidered doily artwork ("doily doodling!")

This is what I call doily doodling! I love this project that Mollie at Wild Olive designed, which you can find over here. I think this is such an awesome idea! I mean, embroidery+ dolies= awesomeness! And I say that because I've working on this cute, simple project in and out of my load of school.
Do a few math problems means do a few stitches... learn about Albert Einstein in science and take a break and do some more stitching. :) haha
Oh, and I hope you don't mind my notebooks in the backround. I've been a little lazy on clearing out the stacks of school books surrounding me on my desk.
Well... :) I better go finish up history and do this project later. :)
Happy doily doodling!


  1. I love it! we have matching paper doilies? I think so!

  2. It looks great so far! I remember going onto Wild Olives blog and seeing that and just going wow! And now you're doing it! :) YAY!


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