
Friday, August 26, 2011

I love Whoopie Pies

I baked some Chocolate Whoopies pies today and boy, am I tired! They take awhile to put together...really, they go into our stomachs faster than it takes to make them! :) But, they are worth it. And besides, I'm a chocolate lover and this is what makes my sweet tooth say, "Thank you!!!" hee hee :) The picture above is the whoopie batter in dallops on the baking pan waiting to be put into the oven.
This is a Pile-o-Whoopie-Cookies. Those whoopie cookies are waiting for the rest of their whoopie pals to finish up their baking and are anticipating me to fill them up with the creme! :)
And that, my friend, is my first bite of the whoopie pie batch. Yum! :)
This chocolate whoopie pie recipe came from the book, Whoopie Pies. Remember the last time I made them? :) I made them today for a "Leaving to College" party tonight. They requested I make because the last time I made them (for a Bible Study) they disapeared real quick... :)
Have a whoopie day! :)


  1. Oh. My. Goodness. They look SO good!!! :) I really want to make those now! Hm, I might just have to buy the book now! :) How long do they take to bake?

  2. Each pan of the whoopie batter takes 10 minutes to bake. So all together for the whoopies to be baked, probably 50 minutes (5 baking sheets).

  3. WOW! Well, thanks for answering my question! :)

  4. Hey! I have a question: Where can I get that blue pen that you trace onto fabric with? Do you know which one I'm talking about? I hope so! :) Thanks!!!

  5. I know what you're talking about- a fabric marker. I was given the fabric marker I have now but I think I've seen them before in the fabric section at Joanns- where they have the quilting stuff. But if it's not there, ask an employee- they should know where to find it. Hope this answers your question. :)

  6. Thank you SO much!!! I really like those because it just seems faster than doing it on the tissue paper, ya know? :) Well, thanks for so much for answering my questions. :P


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