
Friday, July 15, 2011

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 things

I decided to do the same interview that Wild Olive did today! Here's mine... :)

One Project You Are Particularly Proud Of

  1. Mushroom Gnome

Two Mistakes You've Made in the Past

  1. Adding two cups of sugar instead of one to chocolate muffins
  2. Purchasing, accidentally, the wrong crochet hook (this one was kind of random)

Three Things That Make Your Work Unique

  1. I put a lot of time and effort into making them the best they can be
  2. Each project is specially made to make you smile :)
  3. And...they are all made by me! :)
Four Tools You Love to Use
  1. Sewing Machine
  2. Fabric
  3. Embroidery Floss
  4. Yarn
Five Inspirations
  1. Crafty People (especially my Grandma!)
  2. Crafty Blogs
  3. The Outside World!
  4. Adventures
  5. God! :)

If you also did this interview, please let me know by commenting so I can check it out! :)



  1. I'm so glad you did this too! And you should be proud of that gnome...he's so cute!

  2. I love this! Found you through Craft. I did mine too if you want to see it:

    I LOVE your little gnome!!


I love comments! Each and every one of them are read and are stared at for hours (I love them that much, yes). If you have a question, feel free to leave it here & I'll answer it as soon as possible.