
Thursday, June 2, 2011

I'm In a Mood...

I'm in a mood to sew today. So, because of that, this morning I cleared off the mountain that was on top of my desk and pulled out my good ol' dusty sewing machine that I haven't used in what seems like forever. I'm really excited to get it started again but am a little terrified of the results of what may happen today. You see, I haven't sewing in a LONG time and because of that, you never know what may happen! :) But, I've done a lot of sewing before so I'm guessing the first part I may be a little rusty but then I'll get to the point where I used to be (hopefully...). :)
Wish me luck! :)
The tree stump pincushion is a project from the book, Doodle Stitching by Aimee Ray.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely blog.

    Looking forward to seeing your sewing creation soon.


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